Franchise Specialty Restaurant in Montgomery County
Precio inicial
Flujo de caja anual*
Ingresos anuales
ID de listado de Sunbelt
Bienes raíces
Not Included
Well located franchise specialty restaurant with 13 years of successful operation. Take-out and third-party delivery account for about 60% of sales. Restaurant seats 80 with present Covid rules in place. Well-known franchise and long history of profitable operations make this an excellent investment opportunity. Owner wishes to retire. Business still progressing in light of pandemic! Some Owner financing may be available. Contact Ken Teusink with Sunbelt Business Brokers at 281-440-5153 for complete details.
Well located franchise specialty restaurant with 13 years of successful operation. Take-out and third-party delivery account for about 60% of sales. Restaurant seats 80 with present Covid rules in place. Well-known franchise and long history of profitable operations make this an excellent investment opportunity. Owner wishes to retire. Business still progressing in light of pandemic! Some Owner financing may be available. Contact Ken Teusink with Sunbelt Business Brokers at 281-440-5153 for complete details.
Las imágenes son imágenes de archivo y no son indicativas del negocio real.
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Descripción de la compañía
Well located franchise specialty restaurant with 13 years of successful operation. Take-out and third-party delivery account for about 60% of sales. Restaurant seats 80 with present Covid rules in place. Well-known franchise and long history of profitable operations make this an excellent investment opportunity. Owner wishes to retire.
Business still progressing in light of pandemic!
Some Owner financing may be available.
Contact Ken Teusink with Sunbelt Business Brokers at 281-440-5153 for complete details.
Food and Beverage, Franchise Businesses
*El flujo de caja se define como la utilidad neta más impuestos, intereses, depreciación, amortización y compensación al propietario. Ver detalles de ganancias del Vendedor.